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SubjectRe: FAT/VFAT and the sync flag
On 3 Oct 2002, Scott Bronson wrote:

| Can anyone tell me if the VFAT filesystem actually recognizes the sync
| flag? Early in 2.4, it appeared that it was ignoring it.
| However, now that a lot of USB devices are VFAT, this gets pretty
| important.
| -

USB devices (mostly) don't care what filesystem is on them.
I have used ext2 on USB floppies and USB Zip.
You should be able to put any supported filesystem on them.
The only case I know of that matters is MP3 players, which
do expect/require a VFAT filesystem (it's usually all they know),
so media that is used in MP3 players should be VFAT probably. :)

Now, for you first question, I hope that Ogawa or Al or Christoph
et al can answer it, but my guess is, No, VFAT doesn't
recognize the sync flag. I base that on grepping for
s_sync and for MS_SYNCHRONOUS in linux/fs/{fat,vfat,msdos}
and finding s_sync a few times, but not finding MS_SYNCHRONOUS
at all.

'man mount' says that the sync flag is only honored by
ext2, ext3, and ufs.
I see it checked/used in ext2, ufs, and ntfs.


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