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SubjectRe: Bitkeeper outrage, old and new
On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 01:56:05PM -0400, Nicolas Pitre wrote:
> Now please just understand that people are not entitled to agree with you or
> follow your advice.

"People" are entitled to agree with whomever they wish, including

> As you just demonstrated above you can't disconnect "freedom" and "power".

No such thing was demonstrated. That someone lacks the power to
silence critics does not imply that they lack the freedom to do
things that others criticize.

> To have the freedom to use free software you need the power to do so.
> Of course people have the power to ignore you, but it's their freedom to do
> so.

> Aren't we making circles here?

Indeed, you are.

> Therefore the only real lever you have against BitKeeper or whatever else is
> to write a GPL equivalent. Until it happens please assume that those who
> chose to use the tool they want are exercising their freedom since it was
> made certain that no one is forced into using BK for Linux development
> already.

The ability to participate in Linux development without using BK
is not some benevolent gift, granted from on-high by Linus as a
favor to those who object to BK. It is assured by the GPL regardless
of some specific developers policy with regard to what tools are
used. No one had to "make certain that no one is forced." The
power to "force" doesn't exist.

Allen Campbell | Lurking at the bottom of the | gravity well, getting old.
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