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SubjectRe: Crunch time -- Final merge candidates for 3.0 (the list).
We will send Reiser4 out soon, probably around the 27th.


Rob Landley wrote:

>Okay, Linus has left for the Linux Lunacy Cruise (see,
>which ends october 27. When he gets back, he's implied that there will be
>EXACTLY ONE more set of last minute merges before we switch over to the
>3.0-pre (or 2.6-pre) series. Those of you waiting for the last minute: this
>is it.
>There are people patch-hoovering while Linus is off "lecturing" on a boat in
>the carribean, but we don't know who those are, so that's not useful. What
>IS useful is knowing what the candidate patches are. Not bug fixes, but new
>features with one final shot at 2.5.45.
>The October 19 entry from Guillaume Boissiere's 2.5 status list
>( has the following entries in the "ready
>for merging" state:
>o in -ac PCMCIA Zoom video support (Alan Cox)
>o in -ac Device mapper for Logical Volume Manager (LVM2) (LVM2 team)
>o in -mm VM large page support (Many people)
>o in -mm Page table sharing (Daniel Phillips, Dave McCracken)
>(or possibly here:)
>o Ready - Build option for Linux Trace Toolkit (LTT) (Karim Yaghmour)
>o Ready - Dynamic Probes (dprobes team)
>o Ready - Zerocopy NFS (Hirokazu Takahashi)
>o Ready - High resolution timers (George Anzinger, etc.)
>o Ready - EVMS (Enterprise Volume Management System) (EVMS team)
>o Ready - Linux Kernel Crash Dumps (Matt Robinson, LKCD team)
>o Ready - Rewrite of the console layer (James Simmons)
>To the above can be added the following recent submission on the list:
>o Ready- Kexec, luanch ELF format linux kernel from Linux (Eric W. Biederman)
>That's currently it, that I'm aware of. If your patch isn't on that list, and
>getting testing by people on linux-kernel (and getting a bunch of satisifed
>users to go "worked for me!" at it), then you should speak up and GET it on
>that list, or wait for the next development series.
>When Linus comes back, at best he's going to give a thumbs up or thumbs down
>to each patch currently sitting there in front of him, and then it's on to
>the feature freeze. He may not take any of them, or he may just take one or
>two. But the best we can hope to do is present him with a nice (short) list
>of tested patches. (Remember, the less work Linus has to do, the higher the
>percentage of it that will actually get done.)
>So everybody, try the above patches. If they work for you, say so on this
>list. It's no guarantee, but Linus has said endorsements from testers can
>make him feel more comfortable about a patch. Possibly we can collect a list
>of names of people for whom a patch "worked for me", to add to the list.
>If your patch isn't on the list, speak out now. Better yet, post a URL to the
>latest version. It's "show me the code" time. (Yes, Hans Reiser, this means
>you. :) There are still 7 days till the end of Linus's cruise, but that's
>not much time to get guinea pigs to publicly pipe up with a hearty "AOL!" of
>support for your work...
>Again, some of the things on this list won't make it into 3.0. It's just
>candidates. But everything that is NOT on this list in about 7 days is
>probably going to become 3.1 material by default.
>Speak now, or till 3.1 hold your peace...
>P.S. If somebody wants to put together a tree integrating some or all of the
>above, ala Folk/Wolk, it might be useful for testing purposes. Good idea to
>find conflicts now, eh?
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