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SubjectRe: Docs for 2.4.x -> 2.6.x
On Mon, 21 Oct 2002 wrote:

| > Would you volunteer to do the same thing for kernel API changes for those
| > of us who don't pay enough attention to the list?
| Well, I'm certainly willing to spare the time to do it, but I'm not
| sure that I'm particularly qualified to - the 2.4->2.6 doc would be
| fairly straightforward for me, but documenting API changes in a useful
| way may well require a better understanding of C than I have, (not
| sure what I'd be letting myself in for - the only C I've done is
| mainly games and other user mode stuff).
| > I have a few random drivers that aren't in mainline, so i always wind up
| > porting to new kernels (they're trivial, so it's not a big deal, but
| > sometimes it's annoying to find changes).
| >
| > Or is someone else already doing this wonderfully sexy job?
| It's possible they might be, I'm not sure...
| John.
| -

I got the impression that the first poster was asking
for user-level 2.4 -> 2.6 migration HOWTO info,
not kernel API changes. (such as "be sure that all of those
CONFIG_INPU_options are enabled!")

I began keeping 2.5 kernel API changes very early, but then I ran
out of time; there were just so many of them, coming too fast.
Here are the early ones:

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