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    SubjectRe: PROBLEM: ide-related kernel panic in 2.4.19 and 2.4.20-pre11

    Did you consider the attempt to copy may invoke the device to attempt to
    jam and crash the transport? Did you consider the SCSI layer may not be
    capable of handling the task management command?

    They are not broken if you have a device which is "Copy-protected" aware.
    It will attempt to thwart your operation request and that can include
    crashing a system.

    > Copy-protected discs abuse the CD standards to the point where CDROM
    > drives consider them defective and can't/won't read them, while less
    > intelligent devices can. Trying to read one of these discs should only
    > cause the kernel to return an error, never an oops.

    You admit that older dumber devices just work.
    So much for new and improved, go find the old and lousy that works.

    Asking me to make it so you or anyone else can bypass
    copy-content-protection is out of the question. If you do not ask the
    device to do bad things, then it will not do bad things back at you.

    If your memory is short, recall I was the only person to stand up and take
    issue about having CPRM stuffed into your harddrives by default.

    Make a note, DON"T BUY SONY CDRW Products.

    Now if you are serious about want to fix the issue and not rant about
    issues that have no meaning because they are your opinion on how the world
    should work as it relates to hardware, then we can move on.


    Andre Hedrick
    LAD Storage Consulting Group

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