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    SubjectFragmentation DoS?
    To whom this may concern:

    It seems that when I run fragrouter-1.7 with a combination of
    -F3, -F4, -F5, and -T7 options, my linux kernel 2.4.18 will
    crash. I've tested this with fragrouter's 1.6 and 1.5, but have
    not yet been able to crash my kernel. To crash my 2.4.18 remotely
    with fragrouter 1.7 it usually takes about 15-20 tries. Maybe there
    is some sort of race condition occuring? I have also tried to
    crash my linux 2.2.x series kernals but have failed.

    Here are the sources I have been testing with:

    Here is the kernel oops message that I grabbed from messages:

    general protection fault: 0000
    CPU: 0
    EIP: 0010:[<c0141099>] Not tainted
    EFLAGS: 00010246
    eax: 00000000 ebx: ffffffff ecx: 00000018 edx: c0141080
    esi: c12c3e30 edi: ffffffff ebp: ffffffff esp: cfc95db0
    ds: 0018 es: 0018 ss: 0018
    Process sshd (pid: 59, stackpage=cfc95000)
    Stack: 00000000 c0feb020 c01284ca ffffffff c12c3e30 00000001 00000001
    c0feb000 c139c1a0 00000080 00000000 00000008 c12c3e30 00000246
    000000f0 c01285f9 c12c3e30 000000f0 c0178612 00000000 00000000
    Call Trace: [<c01284ca>] [<c01285f9>] [<c0178612>] [<c0131a84>]
    [<c0131d88>] [<c0132428>] [<c01231fd>] [<c0123298>] [<c0151aa0>]
    [<c0123c03>] [<c012403c>] [<c0123f40>] [<c012fd56>] [<c012fca9>]

    Code: f3 ab c7 43 48 00 00 00 00 8d 53 48 8d 43 4c 89 42 04 89 42

    Thanks for your time

    - nobu
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