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SubjectRe: can chroot be made safe for non-root?
Shaya Potter  wrote:
>the problem with chroot() is that they dont nest.

That's *a* problem, but not (IMHO) the most significant problem.
The biggest disadvantages with chroot() (as I see it) are:
* not useable unless you're root
* too coarse-grained
* only protects the filesystem, but not other resources (e.g., the network)
* not suitable for jailing root

> If however, one could provide even a single level of nesting, such that
> a chroot outside of a chroot sets the first level, and any other chroot
> after that sets the inner level, then even root wouldn't be able to
> break out of the chroot (presuming it didn't bring any fd's into the
> chroot w/ it).

This is not quite right. There are LOTS of other ways that root
can break out of a chroot.

Actually, I suspect that nested chroot()s may not be needed very
frequently, so I think a simpler approach may be simply to prevent
a chrooted process from calling chroot() again: i.e., prevent nesting.
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