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SubjectRe: BK is *evil* corporate software [was Re: New BK License Problem?]
Larry McVoy wrote:
> Everyone has to decide for themselves what make sense. I tend to agree
> that paying for BK for a small number of seats doesn't make sense,
> with a small number of people you can get by easily with CVS or one of
> the other free tools. Eventually that will cause you problems and once
> those problems are costing you money, then you may see that spending
> that money on BK is actually a net reduction of cost.

Ok, honest question for you Larry:

Assume for the moment that I'm not eligible for the free BK license (I
don't think that's the case, but for the question...).
Assume that I plan a project that is going to start at 1 person and grow.
Assume that at some point in the future, that project will grow large
and complex enough to need BK.

What source control should I use _now_ so that I can grow into BK over
time? Bonus question: Why?
(The answer may be something like 'CVS -> Subversion -> ... -> BK', but
I don't know.)

A little bit of background: In college I didn't know of source control.
CVS was a godsend for me when I found it. But renames, copies,
directories, dealing with multiple files in a change, those kinds of
things "hurt" in CVS, even with just me. I want better tools, ideally
open-source, but I suspect that I don't know what I'm looking for.


--------------------. "If it ain't broke now,
Eli Carter \ it will be soon." -- crypto-gram
eli.carter(a) `-------------------------------------------------

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