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Subjectnetfilter oops (Was: Re: Linux 2.4.18-pre2)
On Mon, Jan 07, 2002 at 09:38:17PM -0200, Marcelo Tosatti wrote:
> Here goes pre2.
> pre2:

As I was off the net for 2 weeks I wanted to wait for the next pre
release before reporting this bug (incase I missed something and someone
solved it anyways). Anyhow I'm assuming it still applies to pre2 as
there has been no mention of netfilter changes in the changelog, so...

With 18-pre1, 17-rc2 and 17-preX (can't remember now. It's been a week
or so :/) I can get the kernel to consistantly crash after a few minutes
by compiling it with ipchains compatability and using masqueraded net
connections. If I connect to the getway in quetion without hitting the
masq rules I'm fine. I can also use the net from the gateway, but if I
try to use the net from a box behind it and that box gets masqueraded I
get a kernel lockup and an oops after a minute or so of use. Unfortunately
the oops doesn't actually get recorded anywhere and all I can remember
from it is that it was dieing in 'Swapper task' (or something similar).

I did a bit more experimentation and removed all the netfilter changes
done since 2.4.16 and I no longer got oopses so one of the changes after
2.4.16 broke things.

Unfortunately, I am no longer near said gateway. I -can- try and
duplicate this as soon as I get a version of linux compiling on a debian
woody system.

If you have any questions/requests/whatnots then please yell. If I
succeed in duplicateing this and get a recorded oops I'll send that in


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