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SubjectRe: A modest proposal -- We need a patch penguin
On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 09:19:14AM -0800, Larry McVoy wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 31, 2002 at 11:13:37AM -0600, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
> > Can you detect the 'collapsed vs full version' thing, and force it to be
> > a merge conflict? That, and working LOD support would probably get most
> > of what I want (until I try the new version and find more stuff I want
> > :P)
> Are you sure you want that? If so, that would work today, it's about a
> 20 line script. You clone the tree, collapse all the stuff into a new
> changeset, and pull. It will all automerge. But now you have the detailed
> stuff and the non-detailed stuff in the same tree, which I doubt is what
> you want. I thought the point was to remove information, not double it.

Well, what I meant was have some kind of pointer in the collapsed stuff
that conflicts with the detailed stuff, and requires the user to pick
which on they want. Ideally, this could default to user picks, but a
repository policy of 'only take collapsed versions' could be used for
upstream trees, say like linuxppc_2_4. (linuxppc_2_4_devel could take
detailed versions).

Troy Benjegerdes | master of mispeeling | 'da hozer' |
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