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SubjectRe: ISA slot detection on PCI systems?
"Eric S. Raymond" <> said:


> Yes. But *I* want Aunt Tilley to be able to download the latest kernel
> sources and build/install them herself, without ever feeling that the task
> is beyond her capabilities.

Come on, how many Aunts do you have that even know (or care) what a
"kernel" is, let alone think of "building the latest from source"?

> Part of the reason I want this is for the capability itself; partly I want
> it pour encourager les autres -- to demonstrate, by tackling one of the
> toughest cases, that much of the complexity and anti-useability of Linux
> is an artificial and unnecessary creation of the culture that created it,
> rather than a result of actual technical depth of the problem.

Then do your demonstration on something that is actually useful in real
life, non? Like making using Linux + Apache + <whatever> easier to use for
secure websites (I've recently read that MS IIS is doing _large_ inroads
there). That could make a real difference in "World domination. Fast."
Dr. Horst H. von Brand User #22616
Departamento de Informatica Fono: +56 32 654431
Universidad Tecnica Federico Santa Maria +56 32 654239
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