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SubjectRe: RFC: booleans and the kernel (Jamie Lokier)  wrote on 26.01.02 in <>:

> Timothy Covell wrote:
> > You know, I used to wonder why more people didn't like/use Linux. Now,
> > after a month or so of reading this website and meeting so many arrogant
> > assholes, now I know why.
> Hey Tim, you wrote a buggy code example that illustrated the wrong
> problem, and someone thought you actually meant to indicate that
> problem. Easy mistakes, but you made the first one.

Uh, no. Tim *insisted* that he was illustrating the right problem even
after it was pointed out that he didn't, *and* explained why.

In other words, the guy accusing other people of being arrogant assholes
is a *dumb* arrogant asshole himself.

> What you call arrogance is simply folk getting to the heart of a
> problem, as straightforwardly as feasible. In this case unfortunately
> the wrong one.

No. The right ones - both the original and the one Tim raised. *Tim*, of
course, insisted they were one and the same.

> I didn't find the other person's words rude at all, but
> you did. Ah, the joy of being different people.

Note that Tim was the one who brought up first the word "idiot", and then
the "arrogant asshole". All the while accusing us of not being nice
enough. I smell some double standards here.

Completely predictably, after not getting us to simply swallow his
arguments without questioning the logic behind them, the next stage is
"waah, you're all meanies, I'm taking my marbles and am going home".

That is not only no loss, it's good riddance.

> It seems to work for the folk who stay. If we were all nice and polite,

... people like Tim will still cry how mean we are. Because that is
exactly what happened.

MfG Kai
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