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SubjectRe: [PATCH RFC] SiS 2.4 IDE driver update (+= ATA16|ATA33|ATA100)
On Fri, Jan 25, 2002 at 08:02:43PM +0200, Liakakis Kostas wrote:
> Well, success :-)
> Stock 2.4.17 doesn't hang any more :-)


> One question though, hdparm -i/I says my drive is udma2 (UDMA/33 isnt it?)
> capable. Why don't I get it on boot? (or is my chipset UDMA/33 capable?).

Don't think so. IIRC (don't have the specs right now at hand) SiS5513 isn't UDMA capable.

> hdparm -X66 /dev/hda hangs the machine completely. Same with 65 and 64.

If I'm correct with UDMA above, this is expected behavior...
I don't know the IDE framework and hdparm enough yet to know if I can trap hdparm
actions at the chip driver level... it may speak (and I believe it to do so) to the drives directly.

> The debug messages that appear when I do so say:
> sis5513_tune_chipset start, changed registers: none
> sis5513_tune_chipset ,drive 0, speed 66
> sis5513_tune_chipset end, changed registers: none
> Attached is the boot time debug info.

Many thanks. My database of BIOS init behaviour will grow, this is *good*.

I'm mostly away (Palm with GSM is kind of... slow) from Net access this week-end and I'll be away too from tuesday
on next week. So don't be surprised if I don't answer bug reports or
enhancement requests in the following days, be patient and don't hesitate
to repost your message if you don't have any answer February the 6.

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