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SubjectRe: [STATUS 2.5] January 17, 2001
James Simmons wrote:

>>>Have you heard anything about when Linus intends to code freeze? In my
>>>planning I am assuming Sept. 30 is way earlier than 2.6 would ship. I
>>>remember how long 2.4 took, and I simply assume 2.6 will be the same.
>>I recall in June of 1999 Linus gave a kernel talk at BALUG and said he was
>>aiming for a year end release of 2.4 (but I think he meant that year ;) and
>>hoped to get the cycle down towards 6 months. Is that type of timeline still
>>the target?
>6 months. Never! I think we can do one year. I think this because for 2.5.X
>we see a bunch of projects working on different things for a long period
>of time. So it is just a matter of making everything work together.
> . ---
> |o_o |
> |:_/ | Give Micro$oft the Bird!!!!
> // \ \ Use Linux!!!!
> (| | )
> /'_ _/`\
> ___)=(___/
I think I basically have no idea when 2.6 will ship and no idea when
code freeze will hit, so I should work on the code and not worry until
it is done.


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