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SubjectRe: iptables and 2.4.17
At 13.03 16/01/02 +0100, you wrote:
>On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 12:13:11PM +0100, Luca Adesso wrote:
> > There is some problem with iptables modules and kernel 2.4.17 ?
> > I'm using 2.4.10 and it works fine; I tried on another computer at work
> the
> > 2.4.17 but I got unresolved symbol errors
> > ip_tables.o: unresolved symbol nf_unregister_sockopt
> > ip_tables.o: unresolved symbol nf_register_sockopt
>Strange. Are you sure you really did it in the following order:
>make clean (better: make mrproper)
>- configure the kernel
>make bzImage
>- install your new bzImage
>make modules
>make modules_install
>- boot into your new kernel
Sure I always do in the same way!
I go in /usr/src and rm -r linux and rm linux-2.4.5 (the kernel installed
with Slackware 7.0) then downloaded kernel 2.4.17
make mrproper and reconfigured my kernel.
I create a script to compile the kernel, so I'm sure I do al the same
The script is:
#mkernel begin
make dep && make clean && make bzImage && make modules
make modules_install
cp /boot
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot
#mkernel end

>We haven't had any bug report regarding your problem, and I'm personally
>also running plain 2.4.17 on one of my boxes without any problems.
I have problem with iptables.o and with apm.o.
For apm I haven't found help and I never create a working modules so I
compiled it in the kernel.
I was sure that iptables works like modules and now it's working fine on
that system with 2.4.16

Any suggestions?

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