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SubjectRe: Measuring execution time
On Wed, 16 Jan 2002, Chris Friesen wrote:

> Mark Cuss wrote:
> > I am working on optimizing some software and would like to be able to
> > measure how long an instruction takes (down to the clock cycle of the CPU).
> > I recall reading somewhere about a kernel time measurement called a "Jiffy"
> > and figured that it would probably apply to this.
> >
> > If anyone has any tips on how to figure out how to do this I'd really
> > appreciate it.
> Jiffies are quite coarse-grained. On x86 you want the rdtsc instruction, while
> on ppc you want mfrtcu/mfrtcl or mftbu/mftb depending on the version of the
> chip. These are used as inline assembly, and if you do a google search you
> should be able to find code snippets.

For Intel.......

Assemble this as rdtsc.S

lastl: .long 0
lasth: .long 0
.align 8
.globl tim
.type tim@function

# Return the CPU clock difference between successive calls.
tim: pushl %ebx
movl lastl, %ebx # Get last low longword
movl lasth, %ecx # Get last high longword
movl %eax, lastl # Save current low longword
movl %edx, lasth # Save current high longword
subl %ebx, %eax # Current - last
sbbl %ecx, %edx # Same with borrow
popl %ebx

Your code:

/* Really extern long long tim(void); */
extern long tim(void); /* Good enough */

long total_cycles;

(void)tim(); /* Grab starting time */
process(); /* Do your code */
total_cycles = tim();


gcc -o tester main.c rdtsc.S

Dick Johnson

Penguin : Linux version 2.4.1 on an i686 machine (797.90 BogoMips).

I was going to compile a list of innovations that could be
attributed to Microsoft. Once I realized that Ctrl-Alt-Del
was handled in the BIOS, I found that there aren't any.

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