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SubjectRe: Linux 2.4.4-ac1
On Tue, 1 May 2001, Alan Cox wrote:

> This release is mostly meant for further eyes to check for merge
> errors. It boots but thats about all I'd guarantee. I plan to do just
> the fixups for 2.4.4 bugs and then back out some of the existing
> changes that don't help much - notably some of the VM tuning isnt
> gaining us anything but multiple bad implementations.

Later this week I'll have some time to look at the VM things
again. I suspect a lot of the code that was merged into the
-ac kernels either only helped one specific test case by
accident or only works if you think about it from the "right"
point of view ;)

One thing I've noted with many of the VM patches for 2.4 is
that the author goes into great detail describing a VM problem
that occurs and then attaches a patch which "fixes" something
only losely related to the problem described... ;)


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