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SubjectRe: X15 alpha release: as fast as TUX but in user space
On Sat, Apr 28, 2001 at 10:42:29AM +0200, you [Ingo Molnar] claimed:
> per RFC 2616:
> .............
> The Date general-header field represents the date and time at which the
> message was originated, [...]
> Origin servers MUST include a Date header field in all responses, [...]
> .............
> i considered the caching of the Date field for TUX too, and avoided it
> exactly due to this issue, to not violate this 'MUST' item in the RFC. It
> can be reasonably expected from a web server to have a 1-second accurate
> Date: field.
> the header-caching in X15 gives it an edge against TUX, obviously, but IMO
> it's a questionable practice.
> if caching of headers was be allowed then we could the obvious trick of
> sendfile()ing complete web replies (first header, then body).

Uhh, perhaps I'm stupid, but why not cache the date field and update the
field once a five seconds? Or even once a second?

I mean, at the rate of thousands of requests per second that should give you
some advantage over dynamically generating it -- especially if that's the
only thing hindering copletely sendfile()'ing the answer.

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