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SubjectRe: [QUESTION] 2.4.x nice level
Quim K Holland wrote:
> >>>>> "BS" == BERECZ Szabolcs <> writes:
> BS> ... a setiathome running at nice level 19, and a bladeenc at
> BS> nice level 0. setiathome uses 14 percent, and bladeenc uses
> BS> 84 percent of the processor. I think, setiathome should use
> BS> max 2-3 percent. the 14 percent is way too much for me.
> BS> ...
> BS> with kernel 2.2.16 it worked for me.
> BS> now I use 2.4.2-ac20
I was running 2 copies of setiathome on a 4 CPU server
@ work. The two processes ran nice'd -19. The builds we were
running still took 20-30% longer as opposed to when setiathome wasn't
running (went from 45 minutes up to about an hour). This machine
has 1G, so I don't think it was hurting from swapping.

I finally wrote a script that checked every 30 seconds -- if the
load on the machine climbed over '4', the script would SIGSTOP the
seti jobs. Once the load on the machine fell below 2, it would
send a SIGCONT to them.

I was also running setiathome on my laptop for a short while --
but the fan kept coming on and the computer would get really hot.
So I stopped that. Linux @ idle doesn't seem to ever kick on
the fan, but turn on a CPU cruching program and it sure seemed
to heat up the machine. I still wonder how many kilo or mega watts
go to running dispersed computation programs. Just one of those
things I may never know....


The above thoughts and | They may have nothing to do with
writings are my own. | the opinions of my employer. :-)
L A Walsh | Trust Technology, Core Linux, SGI | Voice: (650) 933-5338
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