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SubjectCML2 1.1.5, more comments

A few comments on cml2 1.1.5 running on my Pentium 133S (make menuconfig,

- Instantaneous moving up/down! Excellent!

- Thanks for dark blue! The cyan was barely readable. Now all the colours
are nicely readable. I don't necessarily like your choice of colours but as
long as I can read the text, that's fine.

- When I set something to yes it goes green. When I then set something else
to yes the new one goes green, too, but the old one also remains green. Is
this intended? (i.e. does green mean "already visited" or something like
that?) Also, on the CPU selection menu, it started off with two of the CPUs
already in green (but only one with a yes). Is that a feature or a bug?

- Moving left/right can still be quite painfully slow...

- Setting options is sometimes very slow, sometimes ok... (depends on
complexity of underlying rules I guess)

It is definitely usable now compared to 1.1.0. But if the last two points
could be speeded up, it would be great.

Best regards,


Anton Altaparmakov <aia21 at> (replace at with @)
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