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SubjectRe: fsck, raid reconstruction & bad bad 2.4.3
In article <01041521302600.15046@tabby> you wrote:
>>a) stop rebuild until fsck is fixed

> And let fsck read bad data because the raid doesn't yet recognize the correct
> one....

a degraded raid will not deliver broken data. and even if it does, one more
reason not to check a degraded raid.

> There is nothing to fix in fsck. It should NOT know about the low level
> block storage devices. If it does, then fsck for EACH filesystem will
> have to know about ALL different raid hardware/software implementations.

fsck does not neet to be changed, yoi can have a shell script loop and check
the raid state before caling the fsck.

>>b) wait with fsck until rebuild is fixed

> Depends on your definition of "fixed"

fixed as in rebuild, thats what we where tlking about, no?

. The most I can see to fix is
> reduce the amount of continued update in favor of updating those blocks
> being read (by fsck or anything else). This really ought to be a runtime
> configuration option. If it is set to 0, then no automatic repair would
> be done.

yes would be a nice feature if rebuild can be made to only to io which is
required by the kernel anyway. since fsck will reach a lot of meta data this
is a fairly good start for a slow rebuild.

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