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    SubjectRe: real-time file monitoring at the kernel level

    you might check out fam and imon (fam is userspace, imon is a kernel patch).

    Both are open source SGI tools, imon is the inode monitor.

    Both can be found at

    >I was wondering if anyone has a patch, or is working on something for what
    >im looking for, or if they are interested in an idea i have (forgive me if
    >this is someone elses idea, ill give credit to them), for file monitoring
    >at the kernel level.
    >I have put up a brief explanation of what im looking for at
    >, but in a nutshell, it is this:
    >a kernel patch (or module) that would allow me to have, say, /proc/flog,
    >which shows real-time file monitoring information, which could be tail
    >-f'd like so:
    >root@server~# tail -f /proc/flog
    >modify: root "/var/log/auth.log" 20000410150229
    >access: root "/etc/passwd" 20000410150324
    >modify: root "/etc/passwd" 20000410150441
    >remove: root "/var/log/auth.log" 20000410150502
    >create: root "/usr/bin/.. /" 20000410150534
    >create: root "/usr/bin/.. /backdoor" 20000410150627
    >modify: bob "/home/bob/mailbox" 20000410150854
    >modify: root "/var/www/htdocs/index.html" 20000410150927
    >the above would describe a theoretical breakin from a hacker, which i
    >believe would be extremely useful in intrusion detection. My idea of this
    >is further outlined at, including
    >theoretical usage, practice, description, etc.
    >The reason i ask the linux-kernel community is my coding ability does not
    >allow me to hack at the kernel, and so i would need help with this, or any
    >other information that would point me in the right direction that im
    >looking for.
    >If someone is interested in this, or has any information whatsoever,
    >please let me know!
    >PS: im not looking for LIDS

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