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SubjectRe: build -->/usr/src/linux

* $ from at "10-Apr: 4:08pm" | sed "1,$s/^/* /"
* richard offer wrote:
* > uname does not always provide useful information (cross compiling). Even
* > if you're building the same ISA, you maybe in a chroot'ed environment.
* >
* > Can we please not assume that everybody only ever builds native...
* Nobody is assuming that. If you're hard enough to do a cross compile,
* you can build external modules using "make KERNEL_RELEASE=2.4.2
* KERNEL_SOURCE=/home/jamie/cross_compiling/kernel ARCH=mips64" or
* whatever.

Applications make that assumption all the time.

Yes, this is the kernel mail list, but applications use kernel services. By
tacitly agreeing that you get the kernel headers from /lib/modules/`uname
-r`/build/include that's what people will code into their makefiles.

Saying "oh, but applications should do that" isn't much of a argument, as there
isn't a better way of working out where a set of kernel headers are.

And "oh but applications should be using /usr/include/" doesn't cut it. There
are times when you really do need to be able to build things outside of the
kernel tree that are kernel specific.

* -- Jamie


Richard Offer Technical Lead, Trust Technology.
"Specialization is for insects"

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