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SubjectRe: Kernel 2.4.3 and new aic7xxx
"Justin T. Gibbs" wrote:
> How often is the list manipulated? My guess is not very often.

Modified very infrequently... at boot, and for each hotplug insertion
or removal. It's not even read very often.

> You can allow people to read the list without taking a spinlock and
> only acquire the spinlock on list manipulations. Inserting an
> element can be performed atomically so there isn't an SMP issue
> so long as you don't allow more than one processor to insert at
> the same time. This would allow you to perform insertion sort
> meaning that everything from /proc to device drivers auto-magically
> sees the devices in the order they were probed.

I was just thinking the same thing. list_splice and an insertion sort
can be used instead of all that allocation crap.

> For hot plug devices
> you might want to insert them at the end to follow the "order probed"
> motif.

hmmm.. Is there a reason why this would be -needed-? It wouldn't be
hard to implement, but I would rather not have drivers dealing with a
list whose normal state is defined as "mostly sorted"...

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