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    SubjectRe: yacc dependency of aic7xxx driver
    In article <> you wrote:
    > The assembler makefile doesn't reference yacc, but instead relies
    > on gmake's built in rules to figure out how to generate a .c from
    > a .y. I'm somewhat surprised that bison doesn't create a link to
    > yacc or that gmake doesn't try to look for bison.

    Yepp, gmake is kindof stupid in that respect - it does also not try
    to use flex if there is no lex, etc... I'd really vote for a BSDish

    > Oh well. We'll just have to be more careful in how future patches
    > are generated so that the dependency between the generated firmware
    > files and the firmware source only triggers if you are actually
    > performing firmware development. Trying to build this simple
    > assmebler on everyone's systems is turning out to be just too
    > hard.

    What about simply removing the firmware source and assembler from the
    kernel tree? We have lots of firmware in the kernel tree for which
    there isn't even firmware avaible...

    The few people that want to do firware development could download it
    from your ftp site.


    Of course it doesn't work. We've performed a software upgrade.
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