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SubjectRe: binfmt_script and ^M
On Mon, 5 Mar 2001, Robert Read wrote:

> And isspace('\n') is also true. At question here is not the
> definition of whitespace. The question is, what is the definition of
> a command line? What characters are valid command line seperators?

It doesn't seem likely that '\r' is going to be accepted into the general
kernel. I personally don't think the issue affects enough *nix systems
for this to be a big issue.

I used to work at an ISP where I maintained a Slowaris box with about 600
websites on it; this issue came up frequently with customers uploading
scripts in binary mode trying to run #!/usr/bin/perl^M. The solution for
me was to just do the following:

cd /usr/bin
sudo ln -s perl^V^M perl

and it effectively solved the issue. I havn't looked at slowaris 8, but
slowaris 7 still refuses to run #!/usr/bin/perl^M. Why not just use a
simple one-time solution that will solve the problem & is portable to
other OS's?

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