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SubjectRe: [PATCH] Prevent OOM from killing init
Stephen Clouse wrote:
> We run Oracle on a development box here, and it's always the first to get the
> axe (non-root process using 70-80 MB VM). ...
> It would be nice to give immunity to certain uids, ...

It would seem to me that the new capabilities stuff _could_ be the answer.

Basically, all "am I root?" checks in the kernel should be becoming cap
flags, the OOM killer already avoids killing root processes, it's already
a tenet that yes you can hose your system doing insane things as root but
that nonroot users should NOT be able to hose a system, so being able to
eg. grant this capability to Oracle or ungrant it from sendmail could let
a sysadmin tell the kernel what must be preserved regardless of its UID.

As a baseline I'd want to see all user processes die before any UID 0
stuff, but being able to retune this would be extremely good.

Anthony de Boer -- as seen at -- BOFH, eh?
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