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SubjectRe: CML1 cleanup patch
Jeff Garzik <>:
> > The -TOO suffix was to distinguish between this and the former 8139
> > driver, as the two coexisted in 2.2 and 2.3. As the old driver has
> > been dropped from 2.4, I propose likewise dropping the -TOO.
> It stays "8139too". Donald Becker's rtl8139.c continues to exist
> outside the kernel.
> And "rtl8139too" should have never crept into 2.2. That needs to be
> changed to "8139too." That's what I get for saying that I don't support
> 2.2...

Now, wait, Jeff. I'm not attached to Peter's change, but I don't think
we can reasonably be expected to worry about every possible driver
left over from every old version of Linux when managing the
configuration-symbol namespace. That way madness lies.

I'll cheerfully ship a supplementary patch to fix this one name later,
but we can't afford to have a wrangle over this bit of trivia delay
adoption of this one. I have a hell of a lot of work to do for
which this is critical path.

I left it pretty late as it is, out of hope that other people would
clean up some of the messes I noticed in the config namespace six
months ago, and they did -- but the 2.5 fork is nearly upon us and I
feel a strong need to get this in before then.

Would you and Peter please fight this out and tell me what to do in the
supplementary patch? I don't care, as long as the result has a non-numeric
prefix -- bare "8139whatever" is out.
<a href="">Eric S. Raymond</a>

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