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SubjectRe: Problems with bluesmoke.c in 2.2.17
> The other day I got the patch for 2.2.17 and after just over a day of normal
> operation, while my sister was playing kpat (KDE solitaire) yesterday
> afternoon, X died and dropped her out to the console.
> After she told me about it later on I found this at the bottom of my dmesg:
> CPU 0: Machine Check Exception: 0000000400000000<0>Bank 3: b200000000080a01general protection fault: 0000

Ok I print low,high which was wrong - it should read 0000000000000004
which is 'machine check in progress'

So its a real machinme check

> CPU: 0
> EIP: 0010:[<c010e59b>]

Oh beautiful. This is wonderful. I've been hoping for a chance to test the MCE
code. Ok you might not agree 8)

Right there is missing \n I'll go fix but the rest of it says

b2 - register valid, uncorrected error, error enabled
0008 - model specific data
0a01 - memory access,
generic error
l1 cache
processor responding to request

So there we are - a real live CPU error

> Sep 7 17:51:57 fury kernel: CPU 0: Machine Check Exception: 0000000400000000<0>Bank 0: b200
> 008000000800general protection fault: 0000

b2 - register valid uncorrected error, error enabled
0008 - model specific data
0800 - memory access, local processor originated request, l0
generic error

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