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    SubjectRe: [ANNOUNCE] Withdrawl of Open Source NDS Project/NTFS/M2FS forLinux
    Alexander Viro wrote:
    > "Make it easy" is OK, unless it is followed by "for lusers". And anyone
    > saying that code reviews are not practical can go and fuck himself. He
    > will, anyway. Code reviews are MUST. I have no problems with folks who
    > want to have debugger in addition to that. I consider anyone who wants it
    > as _replacement_ for code reviews as a dangerous luser who should be taken
    > out and put out of his misery.

    Agreed, though I don't think capital punishment is always necessary -
    in many cases, a lifetime ban on contact with computers will suffice.

    A favorite method of mine for doing code reviews is to sit down
    together and walk through the code with a source level debugger.
    There are a number of reasons this works well, particularly the fact
    that you know the other pair of eyes are going to be watching and you
    naturally think harder about the code when you write it, including the
    esthetic aspects. You know that if you run into a design flaw you're
    going to have to stop, back up, fix, and make a new appointment for
    the review. So you try to make sure that doesn't happen, by writing
    the code correctly. You also know you're going to have to explain any
    stupidities or awkwardness, so you try to keep those to a minimum.

    This method beats heck out of staring at paper, or a whiteboard. It's
    involving, and kind of fun. It shows that modern tools can *enhance*
    the traditional design process, far from replacing it.

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