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SubjectUPDATE: [Re: eepro driver broke in 2.2.16... (at least for me!)]
I just downloaded the 2.2.17 kernel.
This problem seems to be resolved in that version of the eepro driver.

Thanks for the new kernel, Alan,
Brian Hayward

On Mon, 4 Sep 2000 wrote:

>I just upgraded to the 2.2.16 kernel (from 2.2.14) and compiled a new
>kernel. I immediately started having problems with my eepro/10 card.
>It would run for a short period of time, then die on me. If I reloaded
>the module, it would run for a short period of time then die again.
>My next step was to recompile the 2.2.16 kernel *exactly* as I had done
>with the 2.2.14 kernel before - making sure all options were exactly the
>same and saying "no" to the new options available in 2.2.16. I still had
>the same problem.
>I then replaced the "Drivers/net/eepro.c" in 2.2.16 with the one from
>2.2.14 and now it is working perfectly.
>I'm running the eepro as eth1, irq10, 0x300.
>I'm running 3c503 as eth0, irq9, 0x330.
>Has anyone else had this problem?
>Brian Hayward
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