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SubjectRe: [ANNOUNCE] Withdrawl of Open Source NDS Project/NTFS/M2FS forLinux (J. Dow) writes:

>> That's B.S. The GPL is a Copyright license; it applies whether or not
>> it is in the kernel. Microsoft (or anyone else for that matter) can't
>> take your code and use it without consent. The GPL is one way of giving
>> consent, with certain strings attached.

>And, Ted, THAT is brown steaming matter coming from the south end of a
>fertile male bovine. Who is going to have the money to beat MS at the "I
>have more attornies than you" game? And what constitutes copying in this

The FSF will surely step up (that's what RMS dreamed all about since
he started GNU. :-)). And there is "public opinion" if you cry out
loud enough and a pending law suit hanging over the heads of

You don't need to win. If you put up a good fight here, maybe a judge
in another law suit will decide that there are good reasons to stop

>sort of instance? It would be an expensive lawsuit. I suspect that barring

I'm sure that once the FSF is willing to step up, there will be lots
of supporters and sponsors to finance this.


Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen -- Geschaeftsfuehrer
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