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    SubjectRe: Linux kernel modules development in C++
    ** Reply to message from Igmar Palsenberg <> on Thu, 28 Sep
    2000 12:29:06 +0200 (CEST)

    > No. I'm agains using subsets of languages. Use it all, or don't use it.

    I don't agree with you. After all, what you're saying is to use the features
    of a language even if it's not a good idea. What if I don't like templates?
    Or exception handlers? Heck, what if I don't like using // as a comment
    delimiter? Does that make me a bad C++ programmer? In some cases, even though
    the "textbook" says to use a template, the result could be such horrid code
    that you spend more time debugging it than writing it.

    > The last thing we want here is a 'Well, I used an exception handler, and
    > it ate my primary disk. How come ??' -> 'Well, the docs say you can't use
    > exception handlers in kernel space'.

    I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

    Timur Tabi -
    Interactive Silicon -

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