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SubjectRe: Linux kernel modules development in C++
** Reply to message from Igmar Palsenberg <> on Thu, 28 Sep
2000 01:45:40 +0200 (CEST)

> - C++ gives overhead. With something like a kernel that's unwanted.

C++ gives an overhead only if you abuse it. The C++ code in my drivers does
nothing that the equivalent C doesn't also do, except that it's easier to read.

> - Things like exception handling is hard to do in a kernel.

Again, you don't need to use exception handling in order to use C++. None of
my C++ drivers use exception handling, and they don't need to.

> - The're a lot more people that know C than C++

True, but all the driver programmers I know personally already know C++.

Timur Tabi -
Interactive Silicon -

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