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SubjectRe: thread rant
On Sat, 2 Sep 2000, Ingo Molnar wrote:

> i dont understand why this is such an important category. If the sharing
> is very high between the threads then it makes sense to use 'shared-all
> threads'. But frequently the example given are webservers, which often do
> not have alot of cross-request shared state.

web *applications* are loaded with cross-request state. there's only so
much you can stuff in a cookie, and what application servers typically do
is stuff only a session id into the cookie and keep the rest of the
application state in memory or on disk. a good example would be a
web-based email gateway to an IMAP mail-store. (i.e. think about how to
write yahoo mail or hotmail)

web content is easy compared to web applications...

> > file descriptors -- yeesh these are hard, you want some sharing and
> > some not sharing. [...]
> well (in Linux) you can specify it on a per-filedescriptor level wether to
> share or not to share, and you can pass a filedescriptor to another
> process and you can establish it there. Is there any API missing in this
> area?

so even if CLONE_FILES is set i can specify i don't want files to be
shared? how does that work?

an example of brokenness in the traditional fd API is close-on-exec --
there's a race between open()/socket()/pipe() and fcntl(FD_CLOEXEC) during
which if another thread does a fork() it's possible the child will inherit
an fd it shouldn't... working around it is painful. the model which
NT/OS2 use for creating a new process scales better in the 99.99% case of
stdin/out/err -- you only specify those fds you want to keep in the new

i know you've done a kick-ass job of making fd allocation not collide a
hell of a lot, but it's another synchronization that's unnecessary really.

> > other than TLB/page-table changes is there anything else i'm missing
> > which makes SMP and threading "slow"?
> it's not slow, it's 'slower' in the 'common memory allocation' case.

yeah malloc generally sucks because it puts synchronization in when and
the avg programmer doesn't realise it. is pretty
interesting research in this area though.


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