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SubjectRe: Linux-2.4.0-test9-pre2
   Date: 	Tue, 19 Sep 2000 16:49:00 -0600
From: Cort Dougan <>

If anyone else wants access to the 2.5 tree we have as a place to
keep experimental changes I'm happy to open it up to the outside.

Well, let's first step back for a second and really think about
what is being said here:

1) 2.4.x is taking too long

2) We have this backlog of new PPC features people are writing,
I can't put them into the 2.4.x tree, but I don't want to lose
them either.

3) So I've made a 2.5.x tree so the experimental stuff can occur

The _whole reason_ 2.5.x isn't started is so that people concentrate
on stabilizing 2.4.x instead of working on new stuff. Why not just
tell these people "why are you working on experimental stuff, put
together PPC stress test and kernel regression suites if you are
bored, because we know 2.4.x isn't read for prime time"

You cannot complain about 2.4.x not being timely if you are doing
things which directly encourage folks to not work on 2.4.x at all.

David S. Miller
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