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SubjectRe: Oops with K6-2 350, but not with other CPUs.
On Tue, 19 Sep 2000, Daniel Grimwood wrote:

> am having many random fatal oopses with my K6-2 350. Can't find
> anything related on the mailing list archive, so here it is. Also, I'm
> not subscribed to the mailing list but do read it via NNTP, a CC: would
> be much appreciated :). TIA.

Do you have the chance to borrow another of those K6-2s, possibly faster
ones (if your board supports those)? Is the case in a proper state (has
never been dropped, all perpendicular and so on)?

I had a case that I needed to straighten the case because the machine
would randomly lock the machine up, when reading the CMOS clock, or in
any other operation, just freezing, no SysRq or anything.

I finally found out that the PCI cards were not seated properly, so I
unmounted everything, straightened the case, and fitted everything back
in - never had any further difficulties since then.

Is there any third-party Kernel module involved?

Please apologize if "to straighten" is not the proper word in the
context, I'm not a native speaker and don't have a technical dictionary
at hand. I mean bending the case until the mainboard can rest plane, on
a level that all PCI, AGP, ISA cards are entirely inserted into their
slots without rotation, bending and so on.

Matthias Andree
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