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    Subjectwebcam II & kernel compiling
    I have 2 questions.

    1) Who is working on the webcam II cpia driver. Under NT I can get 15
    to 25 fps, while Linux seems to be limited to 15 max. Is this a hard
    coded value in the lernel somewhere and is there plans for changing
    this? (I know that this is an experimental driver, but rebooting to NT
    is just not what I want to do. 8-)

    2) I recently read that when upgrading to a new kernel you should not
    compile the new kernel in /usr/src/linux . If I upgrade to a new kernel
    what is the 'proper method' and what other program will I need to
    recompile to take full advantage of the new kernel? (the more detail
    the better and please email just me and not the kernel list )

    Joe Acosta ........

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