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SubjectRe: Linux-2.4.0-test9-pre2
On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 07:07:18AM +1200, Chris Wedgwood wrote:
> - "extern inline" -> "static inline". It doesn't matter right now,
> but it's proactive for future gcc versions.
> can someone please explain the difference?

info gcc 'c ext' inline

"extern inline" implies that an external definition exists, and
that if the compiler chooses not to inline the function, that it
needn't provide a out of line definition.

"static inline" implies that the function needn't be visible
outside the unit of translation, and so if an out of line version
isn't needed, it needn't be emitted.

"inline" currently implies that the function does need to be
visible outside the unit of translation, and that an out of line
version must always be provided. This may change in the future,
since ISO C99 added the inline keyword and made it work like C++,
i.e. static inline. The old behaviour would still be available
from --std=gnu89.

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