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SubjectRe: Very aggressive swapping after 2 hours rest
On Sun, 17 Sep 2000, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:

> Some of the fields recently added to /proc/meminfo are very dependent on the
> internal of the memory management of the kernel, I don't think it's good idea
> to make them part of the user<->kernel API because there are alteratvive
> algorithms that won't generate those numbers and that can generate different
> ones. I understand the interest in collecting the new data for debugging
> the behaviour of the MM but a few line of perl are enough to do that.

Not to be a bother, but I would still like to see a value or at least someone
tell me what calculations I would need to do with the values listed in
/proc/meninfo in order to determine the number of pages actually in-use by
processes (or in otherwords, the amount of memory I can allocate before I fill
up the system RAM at current state).

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