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SubjectRe: Proposal: Linux Kernel Patch Management System
On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Russell King wrote:

> Mitchell Blank Jr writes:
> > If they're able to create a patch, hopefully they'd be able to fill in
> > a simple email template (and I've seen some pretty dim folks manage to
> > register domains with InterNIC, so email templates aren't that hard :-)
> >
> > We could even have a simple web page where you check a few boxes and
> > fill in "URL to patch" and hit submit.
> You reckon? Its hard enough with mailing lists - I've seen people send
> email subscription requests to majordomo@list to subscribe to a mailman
> list, along with sending subscription requests to the mailing list address
> etc. What makes you think that if humanity can't handle mailing lists
> that humanity will handle an email template or a simple web page?
> _____
> |_____| ------------------------------------------------- ---+---+-
> | | Russell King --- ---
> | | | | / / |
> | +-+-+ --- -+-
> / | THE developer of ARM Linux |+| /|\
> / | | | --- |
> +-+-+ ------------------------------------------------- /\\\ |

Remember? This is not humanity. We're a community made of one Great
Penguin (you guess who), few smaller penguins (kernel developers),
and many many little rabbits (tring to learn something, with or without
a debugger)... what has Mankind to do with us? B-) B-) B-)

Anyway, you mean that one could:
1) read l-k,
2) choose an item from some TODO list,
3) download the kernel tarball and correctly untar it,
4) fire the editor of choice,
5) read the Source,
6) understand the Source,
7) contemplate It,
8) even dare to modify It,
9) produce a patch file with correct diff options,
10) find out the correct address to send the patch to,
11) launch the browser, and successfully open the form page,
and after that stop for not being able to fill the template? You *really*
believe this is a likely scenario?

____/ ____/ /
/ / / Marco Colombo
___/ ___ / / Technical Manager
/ / / ESI s.r.l.
_____/ _____/ _/

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