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SubjectRe: [Charon-dev] Re: Definitions
Michael W Zappe wrote:
> Sorry about the causticness, such vitriolic language usually doesn't help foster the discussions I would like to see take place on this list. The frustrations of developing on the Linux kernel get to you after a while... But I would like to know why JFFS hasn't been removed if it was an accident. This seems a little strange to me. Notably after a 'feature freeze', and the valid hypothesis that it was for Transmeta to be able to have a good filesystem for their palm/web/lap top devices. Which would really, really invalidate the "Linus went to work for a neutral vendor to preserve the integrity of the OS" propaganda that I see...
> Mike

They are close enough to neutral, I mean consider if he had gone to work for one of the distros. I
don't think that any code that works should get removed. Transmeta paid for a lot of Linus time
spent on Linux, and because of it he has surely had much more time for adding patches than would be
the case without Transmeta. Much more time than JFFS consumed I am sure.


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