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SubjectRe: IDE Tape problem in 2.2.16 (bug?)
On Tue, Aug 08, 2000 at 02:58:56PM -0400, wrote:
> I'm using a Seagate IDE tape drive (I understand it's basically a Travan
> tape drive) on kernel 2.2.16, and when I read from it, it doesn't read the
> last 18k from my backups; everything else seems to work.
> Here's the information the kernel prints for this:
> Aug 8 10:06:52 www6 kernel: ide-tape: hdb <-> ht0: Seagate STT8000A rev 5.51
> Aug 8 10:06:52 www6 kernel: ide-tape: hdb <-> ht0: 600KBps, 14*26kB buffer, 5850kB pipeline, 80ms tDSC, DMA
> During testing, I also get some other messages, too. I understand
> they have to do with drive locking?
> Aug 8 14:41:04 www6 kernel: ide-tape: ht0: I/O error, pc = 1e, key = 5, asc = 20, ascq = 0
> Aug 8 14:41:36 www6 last message repeated 5 times
> Aug 8 14:41:49 www6 last message repeated 4 times

I've seen this sort of thing a lot.

I now use the ide-scsi layer for tape drives as the scsi tape driver
seems much more reliable.

I think my problem is to do with time out issues, in that the ide driver
doesn't givev much pause for error code, key/asc/ascq= 2/4/1.

The drive is reporting unknown command (0x1e). This isn't
documented in my copy of qic157d.

Additionally that commend is list in the 2.2.17pre3 ide command
#defines. Hmm.

Faulty memory? etc. . Check your ide-tape.c file for
a line which says '#define IDE_TAPE_*_CMD 0x1e'

Unless there's an ioctl which meant this has been issues from userspace.

In which case it a BRU issue.

Think of the mess on the carpet. Sensible people do all their
demon-summoning in the garage, which you can just hose down afterwards.

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