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    SubjectRe: Definitions
    I dont think there is a simple answer

    Clear bug fixes

    o if I do this it crashes the kernel. This patch stops it
    o if I do this it violates the standard

    Clearly new stuff

    o New file system
    o Rewriting the VM
    o Adding all the flash device support

    Now of the new there are three categories:

    1. A driver or file system or protocol stack using existing interfaces that
    makes no change to the rest of the kernel. If turning the module otpion
    off gives a kernel that has no changes then this is good.

    These kind of things can be added almost any time as they dont impact
    stability for anyone else and a bad driver is generally better than
    no support

    2. Stuff that tweaks internals a bit (extreme case rewriting the VM).
    You get it wrong and everyone gets crashes. Has to be done with care
    well tested and preferably earlier in the cycle

    3. Changing the interfaces themselves and breaking all drivers or all
    file systems. This should be done early. Some of Al Viro's stuff
    was late (but probably wise in the long term) and this caused a fair
    bit of friction


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