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SubjectRe: Definitions
On Mon, Aug 07, 2000 at 06:33:09PM +0200, Simon Richter wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Aug 2000, Michael W Zappe wrote:
> > One interesting aspect to linux development that I've seen is a large
> > amount of dialogue*, but a lack of common definitions. I was
> > wondering if anyone would care to define what consitutes a 'feature'
> > in contrast to a 'bug fix' when it comes to the linux kernel.
> > Specific definitions could really help new contributers to the kernel,
> > rather than the rather arbitrary standards that are being applied now.
> Perhaps the best definition I've seen is that a feature is something you
> can turn off (contrary to a bug). A bug fix is something that takes a bug
> and either removes it or turns it into a feature.
> Simon
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By this definition, however, the scheduler and virtual memory manager are bugs. So it's not really a useful definition. It would also make feature freezes pointless, since features can be disabled and won't affect everyone, whilst bug fixes should be heavily controled since they affect everyone.

As an exercise to help make Linux development less crazy, coming up with REAL definitions (not trite sayings) and removing the seeming arbitrariness in designation would be nice. Not neccicarily making rigid, unchanging policies, but a guideline that people can write to, and know what to expect from a feature freeze. In 'normal' software development, a feature freeze usually means that APIs don't change, and entirely new filesystems don't appear...


Michael Zappe <>

Chief Architect, Filesystems
Interlan Communications
111 Corning Drive
Cary, NC 27511

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