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SubjectRe: nfsv3 won't interoperate with solaris (still!)
On Sunday August 6, wrote:
> Hello,
> well I have the same Problem (I just mount under Solaris with -o vers=2
> ;) )
> What exactly happens:
> Lets say I have mounted some NFSV3 from Linux on Solaris:
> # mount xyz:/export/test /mnt
> Now let's go in some subdirectory:
> # cd /mnt/x/y/z
> Now let's do a pwd
> # pwd
> /x/y/z

Yep. I know what causes this.
Are you running the latest nfs-utils? You want at least
showmount --version
tells you the version.

What is happening is that the filehandle returned by mountd is
different from the file handle returned by nfsd for the same file (the
mounted directory in this case).
This, quite reasonably, confused solaris.

> Notize that the answer is /x/y/z!
> On the Linux-side I get:
> Aug 6 18:18:20 worf kernel: nfsd Security: /// bad export.

Presumably you are exporting a sub directory of a filesystem and not
it's root? You get this "bad export" because the solaris client is
asking for ".." of the mountpoint, and getting an unexported

So, if you are using <, upgrade.
If you are using >=, tell me and I will look more closely.


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