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SubjectRe: Bug in Virtual Console code
On Sun, Aug 06, 2000 at 11:24:50AM -0500, John Anthony Kazos Jr. wrote:

: If I switch to 11 (X), then attempt to switch to 12, it *does*, and it's a
: blank console. I can now switch to 12 from 1-10 and 11, and they all go to a
: blank console. If I run "deallocvt" again, I now can no longer switch to 12
: from 1-10, but I can still switch to it from 11, and the whole thing starts
: over if I do.
: Whoever reads this message, please tell me what other information is needed
: and what I can do to further test this bug.

There is no bug. A virtual console is created by the simple act
of opening it. (By symmetry one would perhaps expect that closing
it for the last time would destroy it again, but that doesnt work
so well because the user may want to read what is there.
So, there is an ioctl to deallocate a virtual console.)

What you describe means that X opens the VT you switch to
and thus creates it if it wasnt there yet.

Note that console switching under X is something done by X,
while console switching in text mode is done by the kernel
keyboard/console driver.


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