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SubjectRe: flags_t

> >> No it wouldn't, on some architectures it is safe to do
> >> safe_flags() on a short type, like a short which can then be used
> >> in the architecture specific code.
> Cesar> Then the typedef could be architeture-specific. Or you could
> Cesar> use two typedefs.
> No it shouldn't, when using it in data structures you want it as is as
> unsigned long for proper alignment of data.

If that flag ends up in a structure, it's a bug.

> Wrong, a lot of people keep thinking lets add yet another 500
> typedef's but they don't buy you anything except complexity and
> confusion. You can still play games directly on the original data
> type.

What is complex about a typedef? It can increase readability, it makes
clear for what that variable has to used for and it clearly tells that
its value has to considered private.

bye, Roman

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