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SubjectRe: Infinite loop in boot with 2.2.14+ and IDE Zip
On Mon, 21 Aug 2000, ken moffat wrote:

> Andre,
> no, the patch makes things worse on the zip -
> I normally use 2.2.13 with the patch, because it gives UDMA access to the hard
> drive. But it gives big problems trying to access the Zip (I think, /dev/hdd is not a
> valid block device). Sometimes I can access the disk if I first use fdisk to
> print the partition table, sometimes fdisk doesn't manage this. So, I keep an
> unpatched version of 2.2.13 as well.

Can you send me the hdparm output on the device and the contents of

> In 2.2.16 the patch doesn't let me boot without a zip disk being inserted, and

Strange because I do it all the time, and I have a known broken device.

> I get similar problems trying to access /dev/hdd (if anything, they're worse,
> I've never managed to access a zip disk with patched 2.2.16.
> Thanks for the info on why the code had to be changed.

Okay you have warrented deeper thought as to why.
Now does it fault out in 2.4.X test kernels?

Andre Hedrick
The Linux ATA/IDE guy

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