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SubjectRe: NTFS-like streams?
"Theodore Y. Ts'o" wrote:
> "If they want more rope, let them have more rope!" :-)
> If that's the case, let's look at what the OS/2, SGI XFS, and many of
> the other filesystems that have extended attributes need. They are NOT
> streams. You can atomically set (and reset) the attribute, but you
> can't seek to the end of the attribute and then write to it in order to
> append to the attribute.
> [...]
> For NTFS, yes, they are using "named streams", and so the scheme which
> you suggested works well. But NTFS is really the exception, not the
> rule; most modern filesystems supported "extended attributes", but not
> "named streams".

If we implement only EAs but not streams, support for NTFS cannot be
provided. If we support streams, however, we can also support EAs. Keep
in mind that it's not just NTFS that supports streams -- Mac OS X will
as well, AFAIK.

An interesting article about HFS+, MacOSX and BSD can be found here:


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